Monday, December 5, 2011

Ironman Training Day 1

So today is the day.... I begin training for my first full Ironman. Which means two workouts a day plus a nutrition plan. Nutrition plan is guided by Bob Seebohar's book Nutrition Periodization for Endurance Athletes. So for base training (up until March) no grains, potatoes, rice, etc. I'm trying to train my body to fuel itself from fat and not rely on carbohydrates. So my plate will look like 1/3 lean fats/ proteins and 2/3 fruits and vegetables.

Pre-season = base training.

Nutrition is important this time around because when I did my half Ironman last year I ate poorly and didn't see any fitness results. Pretty disappointing considering I averaged 9 hours a week of workouts per week from January-July.

Mantra: Eat for training fuel. Don't train to eat.
Goodbye Baskin Robbins!

Today I'm starting the day out sore from a 7 mile run yesterday (training for Tinker Bell Half Marathon 1/29/12) and from helping a friend dig a hole in their back yard. Sorry boring for my readers but I thought it would be useful to look back on at the end.

Cheers to a new year!

Does anyone else have any fun fitness goals they are looking to accomplish this year?

FITNESS SONG #1: "Hold On" by Rusko (feat. Amber Coffman)


  1. Dude, you need to be walking around with a giant "A" for awesome on every shirt you wear. Like the scarlet letter only way cooler. You are seriously one of the most disciplined people I've ever known and you're totally going to rock that iron(wo)man!

  2. Thanks Mel! :) I stepped on the scale today to examine my beginning weight (I never get on the scale) and realized that I REALLY have to stay focused. haha

  3. you are awesome Heather! Truly an inspiration! You will rock it! Oh, and thanks again for spending your last pre-training day digging the hot tub hole! You will need it ;) - Jas
