Thursday, June 24, 2010

A little perspective

So as you know last week I had a little injury. And in my worried and swollen state I had a few moments of despair. Aside from eventually being able to laugh at myself, I realized my problems were very selfish and small by watching a documentary about orphanages in Haiti.
I'm sure you've all seen the news coverages and I have no new insights to add but I'll tell you a portion of this paycheck will surely go to that cause this week.

Anyone else have a favorite new charity?


  1. Horrifying. Sort of feels like sometimes we should be handing over our entire paychecks, doesn't it?

    I recently donated to a couple of orgs helping out in the gulf - recommended as being reputable by some people I know in the non-profit world.


  2. oh no, now i feel bad that i laughed at you. i'm sorry you were having a hard time with it.. but it's totally understandable considering you had to face people all day every day with two big raccoon eyes. poor girl.

    the american liver foundation gets all our charity money because of my cousin joey... i'm sure you've read about the joey jog on my blog.

  3. Hope your eyes are feeling better, Heather!

    Two charities that we support are Compassion International (we sponsor two children, one of which is in Haiti) as well as Samaritan's Purse.

    There are so many wonderful organizations out there to help those in our big hurting world... so glad that you found one that you believe in too!
