Thursday, June 24, 2010

A little perspective

So as you know last week I had a little injury. And in my worried and swollen state I had a few moments of despair. Aside from eventually being able to laugh at myself, I realized my problems were very selfish and small by watching a documentary about orphanages in Haiti.
I'm sure you've all seen the news coverages and I have no new insights to add but I'll tell you a portion of this paycheck will surely go to that cause this week.

Anyone else have a favorite new charity?

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Why I Love L.A.

Just another beautiful hike in sunny southern California.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Let me explain a little...

So if you know me it all I'm sure you understand why I call myself a klutz. Well, because I am a bonafide klutz.

Dance growing up- I once accidentally stood in the way while Molly was doing her tumbling pass (warming up on stage). That was one was bad for I believe she was rushed out to an emergency room. I couldn't live with myself for months after that. Or the time that I accidentally walked on Kelly Henderson's calf and tore her muscle. Hated myself for that one too. Does anyone remember the time that I burnt my lips with a curling iron?

My new one happened on Wednesday night. I fell off my bike face forward and directly onto my sunglasses. I feel fine but I don't look so good. U.G.L.Y. It's embarassing but I'll post it for your amusement.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

More Running News

Spent the weekend cheering my boyfriend's brother on during his first marathon in beautiful San Diego. Very rewarding. He did well minus some ankle pain. I got a friggin awesome farmers tan.

Last night my friend & soon to be ex-coworker, Leah, coached her last Team Disney track workout. You see when I first moved out to California I was still dating my boyfriend from college (we'll call him Tall Twin boy). Tall Twin and I would often be lethargic by eating bad food and watching TV as soon as we got home every night. (I was struggling with not having dance in my life anymore.) So, Leah was a big part of the Tri Team and coached me off the couch and into running shoes. I went from never having run over 2 miles before to finishing a half marathon in 3 months. Now I've completed 4 triathlons, 4 half marathons, and a full marathon. It was sad to see Leah go. Although the last workout included speed drills around a track and my hamstrings are as tight as rocks. I'm going to miss her pushing me.

Wish me luck as now the baton has been passed for me to carry on in her shoes as she leaves for non-Disney adventures.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Day 2

During the last 6 weeks I was rocking and rolling on a triathlon schedule- I worked out every day at least once if not twice. However, Memorial Day weekend really threw me off. I couldn't get my booty back into gear. I'd even set my alarm for 6am but instead of waking up to go to the pool, I'd watch an old episode of Grey's Anatomy.

So last night I went to the library and rented an audio book to import onto my Ipod. I listened to an audiobook this morning while I ran. I kinda dug it. I wasn't counting the streetlights as I passed by like normal. I'm not sure if I ran as fast as I normally do but it felt good to escape while I worked out. So, if you think it might work for you when you're in a bit of a lull try it out.

"Reading" The Know It All by A.J. Jacobs.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Day One

Its that time in my life when all of my girlfriends are married, are getting married, are pregnant, or have children. I have come to love reading their blogs to hear their stories and feeling like I'm still somewhat in their lives. I'm shamed to say that I don't often send personal notes, letters, or emails. But I think of them often.

Anyhow... I'm from the South and I live in a big city so this phenomenon is fairly common. Is it time this single lady shares some of her own adventures? I mean I live in LA there's gotta be tons of stuff for me to get off my chest.

Like, the time I ran into Mr. T at Subway where he proceeded to buy all the cookies from the store. Or the all the amazing hikes there are out here in California. Or the time I beat Jennifer Lopez in the triathlon. Or how about how I've lived in a different house every year since I left NC in 2005? Or the great rescue of 2010 when Pete killed the rat in my attic for me. (That's my boyfriend Pete chilling on the top of the Sydney bridge with me.)

This is also another good reason for me to start taking more pictures. Right now I'm totally the friend that will copy everyone else's pictures and put them on my facebook updates.

So thanks for joining me. I hope I won't bore ya!