Monday, October 4, 2010

Triathlon Weekend

When we got back from Croatia (Labor Day Monday) we went straight back to work the next day and then after the work week we had our triathlons to do. Whew these races were rough for me because I hadn't slept well the whole week. Jet lag really effects me big time. I'd fall asleep at 8am and wake back up at 12am, 2am, and then finally I'd just get up at 4am. I let myself do it all week because I knew I'd need to wake up that early on Saturday for my first race.

So a little back story if you will. In May of 2009 I entered an Olympic distance triathlon race in Las Vegas. An Olympic distance race consists of about a mile swim, a 25 mile bike, and a 6.2 mile run. I came out of the water strong during that race but crashed really really hard on the bike. I smacked my head hard- concussion, skinned my face down through my shin on my left side, and jammed my shoulder. An ambulance came for me and I was disqualified from the race because I couldn't finish the bike. (Yet I did run after the race crew dropped me back at the transition area).

Happy times. So in 2010 I needed to cross this distance race off my to do list. The Vegas race didn't hold an Olympic race this year so I did the Malibu Olympic distance race on Saturday. Every other year I've done the sprint distance race with the Disney Tri Team (the opus race of the season). So, when they needed fast relay swimmers for the Sunday race- I signed up for that two.

Well due to a million factors (but mostly lack of sleep and lack of training during my vacation) both of my races were pretty crappy this season. Oh well, just more incentive to hit it hard throughout this next year!


  1. You are still amazing, I can't believe that picture of you with all those bandages on your arm. You are one tough cookie!

  2. Dude I didn't know you had a concussion and then kept running!!! Isn't that dangerous?!

    I will never be as bad-ass as you are when it comes to sports. Or pole dancing.
